Saturday, May 26, 2012

Worth More than Money in the Bank

Well, we´ve landed in a quaint little spot on the Salvadorean coast by the name of El Tunco. After months on the water we´ve managed to quickly lay some roots on a piece of shoreline chocked full of good waves, with the majority of those waves being right points there arent many complaints from these two regular foots!

On boarding the bus from Tapachula, Mexico to San Salvador, El Salvador we began chatting with a friendly Salvadoreano by the name of Nelson Mojica. Between our aspiring spanish and his blooming english we exchanged info on our families and lives. Early on in conversation we had yet another reminder of how small the world is when he told us how he lived in Aliso Viejo which is a mere 20 minutes from Dana Point, our home port!

By the third day in El Salvador, Nelson had treated us to our first pupusas (their national food), drove us to the coast, and helped us find a room with a view that suited us perfectly. The wealth of local information (especially in the area of local eateries!) and friendship he has shown us is priceless. Along the way these "angels" have popped up unexpectedly and helped with only our friendship as paymant in return. Our hope is that the universe is confirming to us the old adage "what you give is what you get" and that we will continue to get and be aware of oppurtunities to make some deposits in the universal bank.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mexico by boat, Central America by bus

We finished preparing little Mer-Sea for the Hurricane season. She is all ready for her stay at Marina Chiapas. Though not many boats for her to play with, we think she´ll be fine under the care of the Marina Chiapas staff.

Now we are off for the next leg of our journey... Central America, by bus. With our board bag stuffed full of 4 surfboards plus the necessary surf gear, a tent, warm weather sleeping bag, two mosquito nets, a machete, first-aid kit, and some sunscreen, we´re ready to experience the lively rain forests, hopefully friendly locals, and all excellent summer surf Central America has to offer!

Pura Vida!